Vispassana training for Buddhists

What is Vipassana

It it referred to as insight meditation.

Insight Meditation (Vipassana)

Skills learned in tranquility meditation can be applied to insight meditation, But they are not the same and the end goals are different.

The purpose of insight meditation is the realization of important truths. And this brief introduction nor any amount of reading will bring you to an under standing of Insight meditation.

Specifically, one who "practices" vipassana hopes to realize the truths of impermanence, suffering and "no-self."

Vipassana ( is referred to as insight meditation is the reality of self ." The Buddha discovered that the cause of suffering can be erased when we see our true nature. Our true nature your sense of self are not the same.

It means that our happiness  depends on our ability to see ourselves clearly ( Awakening" in   knowing oneself facts are revealed about the issue of permanent self.

Because vipassana meditation alone produces the understanding through which liberation takes place, it is  superior to tranquility meditation.

moon eclisp by Master Hughes


Vipassana meditation is a method of clarifying   the mind identfying the mental factors that cause distress and pain and illusions.  These techniques empowers us through on our own efforts.

Vipassana is an insight that cuts through conventional perception to perceive mind and matter as they actually are: We fundamentally believe self is permanent, through vispassana we find that reality is quite different and we are impermanent, unsatisfactory, and impersonal.

Insight meditation has the power to eliminate all forms of attachment due to our ignorance. Simply by dispelling ignorance. As attachment fades away, desire and delusion are gradually diluted. The Buddha identified these two factors— desire and ignorance— as the roots of suffering. By removing ignorance, the mind can touch something permanent beyond the changing world. butterfly by Master Hughes

Insight meditation is concerned with the present moment to the most extreme degree possible. It consists of observing body (rupa) and mind (nama) with bare attention.

The word "vipassana" has two parts. "Passana" means seeing, i.e., perceiving. The prefix "vi" has several meanings, one of which is "through." Vipassana-insight literally cuts through the curtain of delusion in the mind. "Vi" can also function as the English prefix "dis," suggesting discernment— a kind of seeing that perceives individual components separately.

The idea of separation is relevant here, for insight works like a mental scalpel cutting away ignorance, differentiating conventional truth from ultimate reality.

Lastly, "vi" can function as an intensive, in which case "vipassana" means intense, deep or powerful seeing. It is an immediate insight experienced before one's eyes, having nothing to do with reasoning or thinking.

dragon bowl

What Is insight meditation

It is the method by which the Buddha and his disciples freed themselves from every form of suffering and attained awakening.

Is insight meditation an escape from reality?

No. it is the ultimate confrontation with reality.

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